Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Action Research Topic

Running Away with Running Records

With my campus having many needs, I decided to focus on the lower grades with the belief that building a strong foundation will create successful students in the subsequent grades. With the approval and support of my administrator, I plan to focus on Running Records as a Reading intervention. I will train the 2nd grade teachers on Running Records, both with a hard copy and using an app on the IPad. The teachers can then choose the method they are more comfortable with, either paper and pencil, or technology. Teachers will use Running Records during Guided Reading. Using the results, such as miscues, words read correctly, and words that were self-corrected, prescribed reading lessons will be provided. I will observe other teachers' Guided Reading, lessons with and without the use of Running Records. Finally, I will compare the growth of the students whose Guided Reading was conducted with Running Records to those who did not use Running Records as an intervention.


  1. This sounds interesting, and so beneficial. It will be something that can grow like a portfolio year to year for the students. It will be great for teachers at the beginning of the year, too. They will see where the students left off in the previous year and where they can pick up in the new year. Great idea!
    Nice blog...very creative!

  2. Thank you Rebecca for the support. I wasn't sure how to go about this, but once I was able to get started, I felt less overwhelmed. I hadn't thought about including the information in their portfolios, that's a great idea.

  3. I appreciate your words of encouragement,Sandy. I will try to change my mind set! Your topic sounds really worthwhile. Reading such a huge part of the learning process. Sometimes literacy is half the battle!

  4. What an interesting plan. Good luck and I look forward to following your research!

  5. I am a 2nd grade departmentalized teacher. I teach math & science, so I don't know much about running records. I know my teaching partner uses them in her reading groups. I believe she just uses them to record data to show growth. How will the record keeping be used as an intervention?

    1. Thanks for the question Tracey. I will use running records as an intervention by using the miscues and self-corrections to help me plan the following guided reading lesson with that student. The miscues let the teacher know what kind of mistakes the students are making while reading, meaning, structure or visual. I then target the miscue in the following lesson.
