Tuesday, March 12, 2013

School Improvement Project Plan of Action

School Improvement Project Plan of Action

Goal: To establish a strong reading foundation in the lower grades to promote growth and success in the school. Students will learn reading skills to promote lifelong learners and internal motivation.


Resources/ Research tools needed
Responsibility to address activities
I will exercise Professional Development/ Leadership Skills by training my grade level with running records.
Train second grade teachers on how to conduct running records both wit hard copies and on an I Pad.
1. Hard copies of running records for teachers to practice and one to use as a master

2. I Pads

3. Leveled reading books

4. Students to read books as teachers practice taking a running record
Sandra SanMiguel-Conde

Evaluate/Self Reflection/
Observe growth on my students’ reading level based on specific skills taught during Guided Reading
Conduct running records and use miscues to plan next guided reading lesson
1. Running records

2. Guided reading groups

3. Leveled Reading books

4. Teachers anecdotal notes
Sandra SanMiguel-Conde
Running Records

Guided Reading Groups

Teacher Anecdotal Notes 
Evaluate/ Observe/ Develop Deeper understanding of  growth of other second students’ reading level based on specific skills taught during Guided Reading
Observe other teachers’ Guided Reading lessons and take notes on skills being taught and methods being used in reading groups
1. Running records

2. Guided reading groups

3. Leveled Reading books

4. Teachers anecdotal notes
1. Sandra SanMiguel-Conde

2. Stacy Sonnier – Principal

3. Hilda Aguirre- Teacher

4. Anita Rubio- Teacher
Running Records

Guided Reading Groups

Teacher Anecdotal Notes 

Evaluate/ Observe/ Develop Deeper understanding of  growth of other second grade students’ whose teacher is NOT using running records
Observe other teachers’ Guided Reading lessons and take notes on skills being taught and methods being used in reading groups
1.Guided Reading groups

2. Leveled Reading books

3. Teachers anecdotal notes
1.Sandra SanMiguel-Conde

2.Stacy Sonnier- principal

3.Susan Solemn- Teacher

4.Jessica Bloom- Teacher
Guided Reading Groups

Teacher Anecdotal Notes 
Compare/ Analyze Data of students whose teachers are using Running Records to students whose teachers are not using Running Records during Guided Reading.
Compare/ Analyze growth between the two groups by comparing reading levels in the beginning of the year to reading levels at the end of the year.
1. Running records

2. Guided reading groups

3. Leveled Reading books

4. Teachers anecdotal notes
Sandra SanMiguel-Conde
Developmental Reading                 Assessment
Teacher Interviews


  1. Very detailed plan! Seems like from your timeline you will be done soon. That is great. The growth of the student reading results will be interesting to see. Keep me posted. Good Job on your plan :-)

    1. Thank you Rebecca, I'm not sure if the timeline is correct. I may need to continue the observations next school year as well.

  2. Your plan looks detailed and complete. I am not a reading teacher, but know that it is the foundation for all learning. Our LA teachers utilize running records, but I'm not sure how it is used as an intervention rather than just a data collection tool. I look forward to seeing your continued work and outcomes on your AR plan.

    1. Thank you Tracey, I agree, reading is the foundation for all other learning. I strongly believe in a strong foundation in reading in order to be successful in all subject areas.

  3. This is a good research plan Sandy. The layout is nice and very detailed. Reading is a very important subject and it is very important that the students grasp it while they're young. I look forward to following your research.

    1. Thank you Wendy. I agree that Reading is the core to being successful in all other subject areas.

  4. Hi Sandy,

    Excellent topic! It is really awesome that more educators are focusing on reading. It is so important for students because it is vital, and they will use those skills for the rest of their lives. It looks like you put some thought into the development of your plan, and the steps seem to be covered well. I will be interested to follow your research.

  5. Thank you Scott, I agree that Reading is the most vital area and is part of becoming a lifelong learner.

  6. Sandy I was a little confused at first because when you mention college readiness in the beginning of your topic I was thnking of high school students and not elementary.Is your focus on an overall academic success or at the elementary level entering middle school, high school. Another question I had was are you wanting to make sure that technology is incorporated into the learning of each class or with a focus of making sure all teachers document and record their use of technology in the classroom.I think you have to have a focus at the lower level early for our students to prepare for success at the collegiate level and not wait to late.
